Andrea Marcellusi, PhD

Dr. Andrea Marcellusi, from May 2024, is a Tenure-Track Researcher at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Milan (Italy). He obtained a MsC and a PhD in Statistics and Demography from “Sapienza” University of Rome, with a focus on economic evaluation models and health outcome definition. His research interests lie in Health Economics and the valuation of technologies, with particular attention to price negotiation and reimbursement, Health Technology Assessment (HTA), and the development of statistical models for economic evaluation analysis

From 2017 to 2021, Dr. Marcellusi served as a Senior Lecturer in Health Economics at Kingston Business School, Kingston University London. His professional experience also includes roles in consultancy, addressing significant market access and pharmacoeconomics issues.

Dr. Marcellusi is a member of the Editorial Board of Clinical Drug Investigation and performs peer review activities for multiple national and international journals. Since 2023, Dr. Marcellusi has also served as the president of the ISPOR Italy Rome Chapter.