Elisa Vettorato, PhD

Elisa Vettorato is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Milan. She received her master’s degree in Pharmacy in September 2016 (final mark 110/110 with honor) at the University of Padova, Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences. She completed her PhD program in 2020 (Molecular Sciences – Pharmaceutical Sciences curriculum, University of Padova), concerning the development of innovative phospholipid-based soft vesicular systems for the enhanced transdermal delivery of highly lipophilic molecules for pain therapy (supervisor Prof. Realdon). During the last year of her PhD, EV performed a secondment at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, School of Pharmacy (supervisor Prof. Touitou), where she extended her knowledge on in vitro studies of skin penetration of lipophilic drugs. In the following three years of Post-Doc, she deepened her knowledge about the characterization and in-vitro evaluation of novel targeted radiopharmaceuticals and liposomal systems. EV is currently investigating 3D-printed microneedles in enhanced transdermal delivery of nanosystems, and has been actively participating in nationwide projects involving the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), the Center for Biomedical Technologies (BIOtech, Trento) and the Center for Advanced Preclinical in vivo Research (CAPIR, Catania).

Curriculum Vitae