Paola Minghetti, PhD

Paola Minghetti graduated in Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy cum laude, obtained her PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences. She is a full professor in Pharmaceutical Technology and Regulatory Affairs at Università degli Studi di Milano.

Since October 2023, she is the Chair of the Department of Pharmaceutical Science; from 2020 to 2023 she was the Dean of the School of Pharmacy. She is also involved in the Hospital Pharmacist Post-Graduated School.

She is an Italian Pharmacopoeia expert and member of the AIFA Evaluation and Authorization Secretariat and of the Minister of Health Veterinary Drugs Evaluation and Authorization Group.

She is President of the Italian Society of Compounding Pharmacists and a member of the Board of Pharmacists, Italian Society of Industrial Pharmacists.  

Her research activities is mainly related to transdermal and buccal drug delivery systems; doctrinal elaboration of national and UE legislation related to the production and the commercialization of medicinal products, medical devices, and health products; and magistral formula compounding in hospital and community pharmacies.

Curriculum Vitae