Silvia Franzè, PhD

Silvia Franzè received a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry in 2015 at the University of Milan, where she is now Associate Professor in Drug Delivery and Regulatory Sciences at the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. In 2013, she spent 9 months as visiting scholar at the Institut Galien Paris-Sud, CNRS, UMR 8612, Université Paris-Sud, working on the design of liposomes for the treatment of prostate cancer. Combining this experience and the background on transdermal drug delivery, after the PhD she started working on the design of “soft” liposomes able to deliver poor permeable drugs through the skin, including the study of suitable stabilization approaches against drug leakage and aggregation. Still today, the main research interest is the design of lipid based nanocarriers for the delivery of therapeutically active molecules, including nucleic acids, across biological barriers. Silvia Franzè is currently principal investigator of a funded project aimed at the design of EVs-like nanoparticles for cancer therapy (PRIN 2022 – Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale). She is involved also in a project of PNRR-CN3 spoke 8. Silvia Franzè is affiliated to several scientific societies, and she is currently a member of the board of directors of the Controlled Release Society-Italy Chapter.

Curriculum Vitae